Ensure that you have state-of-the-art know-how and solutions
- Unique, broad product range with the appropriate technical climate-controlled environment
- Worldwide sales and service network
- Leading international technology and market experience in cleanroom technology
- Decisive project and process support
- Customized solutions for critical production processes in industries with extreme demands in surface processing and structuring in regards to temperature, humidity, cleanliness, electromagnetic and acoustic control.
- International partner for customer-specific solutions to meet your exact needs
- Relevant experience in the semiconductor, flat-panel, life science, automotive, IT and food industries
- Each process step helps our customers toward success: consulting, engineering, manufacturing, commissioning, and customer support are our strengths

Precise Environmental Chamber
Precise Environmental Chamber for controlled Process Environments.

Precision Climate-Control System
The right climate ensures quality and reduces the rejection rate in production.

Dew Point Control Solution
System solution for the dew point control of critical humidity production

Ultrapure Water Conditioning
Precise conditioning of fluid media at innovative production environments

Superior solutions and comprehensive services
We develop, produce and maintain reliable cleanroom products and production environments for ultra-clean controlled atmospheres.

Air Handling Units
Air Handling Units from Exentec are distinguished by energy-efficient design. Our research and development team works with state-of-the art equipment and always contributes the latest knowledge.

Critical Subsystems and Controlled Environments
Pure media supply systems for sensitive products

Sensors and Ampoules
State-of-the-art ampoules, pyrophoric chemical handling and liquid level sensors.
We manufacture liquid level sensors, pyrophoric chemical handling and DOT 4B ampoules, cylinders and canisters widely used in the semiconductor, photovoltaic and battery industries.