High Purity Spec Gas Systems

High Purity Gas System

High Purity Bulk Gas Systems

We offer our customers a reliable source of high-quality gas system equipment, and a broad range of products and services.

High Purity Spec Gas Systems

We utilize our build capacity and programming expertise to develop game-changing spec gas delivery systems.

Gas Cabinets

A wide range of cabinets, controllers and panels can be configured into a system engineered to match your needs.

Gas Blender Systems

The Exentec Gas Blender is a closed-loop, control-based gas blending system combined with a built-in analyzer.

Valve Manifold Boxes

The Exentec Valve Manifold Box (VMB) provides safe and reliable distribution points for a gas system.

Valve Manifold Panels

Exentec's high-purity media supply team has extensive experience manufacturing and installing high-purity gas panels and equipment.

Bulk Specialty Gas Systems

The Bulk Specialty Gas System (BSGS) is a state-of-the-art distribution system designed for safe, automatic delivery of bulk specialty gases.

Liquide Precursor Delivery Systems

Exentec's Liquide (precursor) Delivery System is a chemical distribution system designed to maximize efficiency and performance.

Gas Delivery System Controllers

The available options for our family of controllers increase in specificity as the needs and demands change with the end user.

Vapor Delivery System

Exentec's Vapor Delivery System is a chemical vapor distribution system designed to maximize efficiency and performance.

Customized Gas Supply Container

Exentec's complete solutions in the technical/safety container are ideal for a variable and flexible gas supply.