Bioprocess Equipment Skids

Large Scale Caustic Dilution Skid
biopharma modular solutions

Chromatography Systems

Our Chromatography Systems are designed and built to provide outstanding separation and purification performance. Our process engineering team helps define the chromatography process steps needed to optimize production. Chromatography Systems are available with simple isocratic gradients to complex linear gradients. Mixing can be generated via valve or pump-based algorithms.  Gradient accuracies of less than 0.5% are readily achievable.  

Typical flow rates range from 0.3 lpm to 50 lpm.  Our flexibility in the choice of a column supplier is an advantage to the customer.  We can use your specified column or the Exentec team can source the column.  In either case, we will provide a fully integrated system and perform complete testing on our shop floor. 

Inline Dilution Systems

Our Inline Buffer Dilution System allows clients to prepare a continuous supply of high-accuracy dilute buffer solutions over a range of concentrations by diluting concentrated caustic for Process and Clean-In-Place operations. The design includes the option to dilute caustic solutions directly by volume using mass flow-meters and/or conductivity measurements. System is suitable for all concentrations, reduces storage requirements for hazardous chemicals, provides cost savings, provides process simplification and increases flexibility. 

Typical capabilities include: 

  • Dilute 8N NaOH to 5N, 0.5N and 0.1N. 
  • Final dilution accuracy <1.5% based on flowrate while operating in closed loop flow control. 
  • Final dilution flow rate ~45 LPM @ 30 psig at skid outlet. 
biopharma modular solutions

Normal Flow (NF) Filter Holders and Carts

Exentec designs and fabricates custom sanitary filter holders for the biopharmaceutical industry. Our filter holders are customized in a variety of ways to meet your flow needs. Typical modifications include In-Line/T-Line, number of cartridges, cartridge length, inlet/outlet connections and vent/drain configurations. ASME Stamped and cartridge code holders are available for sanitary and industrial applications. Our Design Team will generate a detailed holder drawing and spare parts list. Our Quality Team ensures that our holders meet all surface finish, code, dimensional, and configuration specifications. 

In addition, we design and fabricate filter holder skids for mobile applications. The same principles which apply to system design are incorporated within our filter holder skid layouts. Care is taken to minimize the overall skid footprint and facilitate cleanability. Call with your specific product needs. 

biopharma modular solutions

Tangential Flow Filtration Systems

Our Tangential Flow Filtration Systems are designed and built to the specific requirements of microfiltration, ultrafiltration, or nanofiltration applications.  Our process development team works closely with the client to generate a system specification that meets their processing requirements.  Typical TFF applications include fermentation cell culture clarification, diafiltration, protein purification/concentration, and blood fractionation processing. 
Each system is designed to maximize product recovery, maximize yield and minimize its overall footprint. Ease of use for the operator is always paramount during the design layout process.  Our custom TFF Systems can vary in size and complexity.  Systems are designed to incorporate any commercially available membrane configurations and molecular weights. Our expertise ranges from manual benchtop systems to large (>200m2), fully factory integrated production systems.  No job is too small, and no job is too large! 

biopharma modular solutions

Tangential Flow (TF) Filter Holders and Carts

Our Universal Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF) Holders and Carts offer the ultimate in affordability and flexibility. Holders may be stacked to meet all client volume and flow requirements. The holder is directly compatible with MilliporeSigma & Pall UF Cassettes and others (e.g. Sartorius) can be loaded with optional adapter plates. 

Bioprocess Equipment Skids

We are an industry leading provider of high-quality biopharma process equipment skids with an installed base exceeding 1,000 systems.

Design and Fabrication Services

Design and Fabrication Services for the life of your facility.

Custom Fabrication

Exentec specializes in custom fabrication for unusual and demanding projects.

Process Solutions

We have assembled a talented team of Process Engineers and technicians years of experience that bring innovative yet proven engineering processes and services to our customers in the Life Science industry.