Dampers & Blastgates

Dampers & Blastgates
Exentec offers a broad range of standard coated and uncoated airflow control devices or custom-engineered and custom-built devices for any damper configuration required.
Airflow Control Devices, Dampers and Blastgates
Exentec offers a broad range of standard coated and uncoated airflow control devices or custom-engineered and custom-built devices for any damper configuration required.
- Including AMCA Class 1A certified dampers in round single blade configurations
- Round Industrial dampers, balancing and isolation
- Round heavy-duty dampers, balancing and isolation
- Round reinforced heavy duty dampers, balancing and isolation
- Round axial flow dampers
- Rectangular balancing dampers, backdraft, parallel or opposed blade configurations
- Rectangular isolation dampers, backdraft, parallel or opposed blade configurations
- Round manual blastgates, horizontal and vertical
- Rectangular manual blastgates
- Round and rectangular gear driven blastgates, chainfall and motor driven
We also offer a wide variety of actuation products including manual, gear driven, electric or pneumatic actuators which can be pre-installed and tested to ensure the proper functioning, speed of operation, and proper preload against blade stops. When required, there are optional actuators which can be installed within stainless steel enclosures for use in outdoor and exterior corrosive environments.
Our in-house engineering team can design the size and configuration of blastgates and dampers to suit your process system needs.