Material Outgassing

Material Outgassing
Material outgassing testing and analysis is essential to identifying contamination sources
Reducing all kinds of air contamination is a main goal in manufacturing of contamination-sensitive products like wafers, optics, lasers and processes like extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography.
Outgassing from materials and devices for cleanroom equipment (e.g. construction materials, floor coatings, sealing compounds, installation, consumables) is the most significant contamination source for volatile organic compounds (VOC). Analysis of outgassing behavior of materials used in clean environments is a first important step to minimize the emission potential of AMC and to improve the indoor air quality.
Material Outgassing Tests
The concentration of airborne molecular contaminants is a relevant cleanliness factor and has a significant impact on production processes and product quality. Especially the major emitters VOC and ammonia are of substantial interest.
Our AMC measurement and evaluation procedure encompasses:
- Outgassing test for organic compounds (VOC + SVOC) according to Exyte Technology guidelines and VDI 2083-17 standard
- Evaluation corresponding to Exyte Technology acceptance criteria for cleanrooms and mini environments
- Determination of material-specific standardized ISO - AMCm class as well as ISO - AMCCR class for actual cleanrooms
- Analysis by thermal desorption (TD) - GC / MS
- Issuing a Exyte Technology certification for tested equipment, materials, components and products
- Registration of tested and certified material in the Exyte Technology material data base
Product & Process Control for Optical and Laser Devices
Besides the importance within semiconductor industry, clean environments are also essential in the manufacturing of optoelectronic products (LEDs) and laser systems as well as in applications like laser metrology. Outgassing of organic compounds, especially condensable compounds were identified as the main source for deterioration of optics. Organic contamination can lead to hazing on surface of optics, degradation of the coating, reducing the signal transmission or the laser signal itself and can enhance the probability of laser damage.
Sources of organic outgassing can be seals, circuit boards, cable insulation, cleaning agents, coatings, resins and others. Critical compounds are siloxanes, aromatic amines and high boiling aromatic hydrocarbons like phthalates.
The product and process control includes:
- Component and material testing for production control
- Screening analysis of organic compounds by thermal desorption
- Analysis of total VOC
- Evaluation of low, medium and high boiling organic compounds
- Issuing of Exyte Technology certificates