Testing & Quality Control

equipment and installation services

Consulting & Project Management

Your Exentec project manager will assist you during the planning and execution with a high level of commitment and state-of-the-art project management methodology.

Development, Design & Planning

At Exentec, our development, production and automation departments always work hand in hand. In this way, experienced engineers and technicians are available to our planners at all times during the individual project phases.

Cleanroom Assembly & Equipment Manufacturing

When assembling under clean room conditions, our expertise in welding technology, process control and automation technology, and testing and quality control are seamlessly intertwined

Installations & Machine Connections

We are happy to support you as a competent partner for installations and connections of manufacturing machines at your production or research site.


To guarantee the highest quality and purity, our welding technology department employs highly qualified personnel and is equipped with sophisticated technology.

Process Control & Automation Technology

Our highly specialized team from our automation department can plan your project and oversee the entire manufacturing and assembly process right through to commissioning.

Testing & Quality Control

Whether it's the quality of the components, the functionality of our developments, the precision of our installations or our service, we want the highest quality, safety and success for your project.


Exentec documentation in a clear design gives you the certainty that your systems, components and tools have been manufactured in accordance with valid standards.


We guarantee you a smooth installation process, qualification and commissioning of your Exentec systems and plants.

Maintenance & Service

To ensure smooth operation we will develop a specific maintenance concept together with you, prior to commissioning.